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  • Our new Job System is now live! You can complete jobs, earn rewards, and even withdraw your earnings. Check it out today!

ANNOUNCEMENT Exciting New Ways to Earn Money by Promoting Our Forum on Telegram

Hello, PPF Members! 👋

We’re excited to introduce two brand new ways for you to earn money while helping us grow the community! If you’re active on Telegram, this is your chance to promote our forum in large groups or channels and earn some extra cash! 💰

We’re offering $5 for posting in a Telegram group with 50,000+ members and $10 for posting in a Telegram channel with 50,000+ members. This is a great opportunity for you to support the community and earn some quick rewards at the same time!

🔥 Job 1: Share Your Referral Link in a Telegram Group (50k+ Members)
Help us grow the forum by sharing your referral link in a Telegram group with more than 50,000 members. Here’s what you need to do:
  • Find a Telegram group with over 50k members, preferably in the crypto space or a related topic.
  • Post your referral link in the group and encourage members to join the platform.
  • Once your post is live, submit a screenshot and a link to the group for verification.
💵 Reward: $5 for each verified post!


🔥 Job 2: Share Your Referral Link in a Telegram Channel (50k+ Members)
If you’re part of a Telegram channel with 50,000+ members, you can also earn rewards! Here’s how:
  • Find a Telegram channel with over 50k members, preferably in the crypto space or a related topic.
  • Post your referral link and a short message telling members why they should join our community.
  • Submit a screenshot and a link to the channel for verification.
💵 Reward: $10 for each verified post!


🎯 How to Participate:
  1. Post your referral link in a qualifying Telegram group or channel.
  2. Take a screenshot of your post and copy the link to the group or channel.
  3. Submit your proof through the for verification.
  4. Once verified, your reward will be credited to your account, and you can withdraw your earnings at any time.


✅ Important Notes:
  • You must post in groups or channels with at least 50,000 members.
  • The group or channel should be crypto-related or a relevant topic.
  • Each post will be reviewed by a moderator before rewards are credited.

💬 Have Questions? Feel free to reply to this thread or reach out to our support team. We’re here to help!

Don’t miss out on this chance to earn easy rewards while spreading the word about our amazing community! Start promoting today and watch your earnings grow! 🚀

Thank you for your continued support
The PPF Team
I’ve gotten two of these your messages in different boards and it’s more like spamming which isn’t a nice one but just as you already read through the thread, earning money on the forum is pretty much easy with telegram and you can seize the opportunity to earn some cool money from doing a relatively very easy task.

As a moderator, I assure you that, I will be available to approve your work if it meets all afore-said requirements and your payment credited to you immediately.

Goodluck and hoping to see more people come through you.

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