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✅LEGIT ✅📦📦📦BIG Airdrop from Lisk📦📦📦✅

Small Instruction how to get more point fast.

1. Remember every day do 2 thing, at least 1 tx
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2. Visit portal home page and then claim lisk daily portal visit points, for tx points claiming automaticaly.
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3. Every week you should to burn 50 mln gas to get 500 point. 500 point every week!
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I prepare special contract for my referrals(but before use it, you should to send your address in discord with @grum1in your address and note GAS (example:@grum1in 0xDeaDDEaDDeAdDeAdDEAdDEaddeAddEAdDEAd0001 GAS), i will add you in whitelist, if you use my code 4Wutv4 and you can use SmartContract, just go and connect your wallet and press write.
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Every tx use 25 mln gas, just call twice function burnGas, that's it.

4. Transfer ETH(0.0001 is enough) to Lisk L2 via or
🔄 Swap $ETH for any smaill amouint of $USDC, $USDT and $LSK on
💎 Claim points by completing tasks related to ETH, LSK, USDC, and USDT.
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5. Don't forget to follow lisk X account and pass gitpassport.
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And remember, after you get 1500 points, send in discord @grum1in and your wallet address used for the Lisk airdrop program, I will add your address in the lottery. 118 winners will get good prizes!

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