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IDEAS I made my own code to Create your own Bitcoin address (Python)


Staff member
So, i haven't found many places online that provides you a way to create your own address.
We have (They also have an offline use method) But it doesn't create a bech32 address (Which provides cheaper fees) and i'm not sure they allow you to generate a seed-phrase.

One of the reason as to why i wanted full control on my Bitcoin keys creation is because is hard to verify that non-custodial wallets really don't know your private keys. You would need to use a packet sniffer like Wireshark at the moment that you use your seed phrase to access your wallet to see what packets are sent to the wallet provider, and even then, it's hard to know what information is shared to them.
Of course, you might have to interact with a wallet software the moment you want to withdraw your coins, but creating your own valid address can be useful as paper wallet till then.

Another problem i wanted to address is "Entropy". One of the reasons they warn you to not create your own address is because your entropy method might be weak and could be hacked.

Now, i'm no expert at Bitcoin nor Python, so one of the purposes of sharing my code is also to hear feedback on vulnerabilities or inefficiencies it might have.
To execute this code i used Spyder with anaconda interpreter (Downloaded needed libraries through anaconda)

1) Create your own entropy

import hashlib

import os

def generate_entropy_from_input(user_input):

    salt = os.urandom(16)  # Generate a random salt

    encoded_input = user_input.encode('utf-8')

    sha512_hash = hashlib.sha512(salt + encoded_input).digest()  # Use a stronger hashing algorithm

    entropy = sha512_hash[:16]  # Adjust the length of entropy as per your requirements

    return entropy.hex()

user_variable = "test" #Choose your input here for entropy #IMPORTANT: erase your input after running the program

entropy_code = generate_entropy_from_input(user_variable)

print("Entropy Code:", entropy_code)

On the line "user_variable = "test" #Choose your input here for entropy #IMPORTANT: erase your input after running the program"
We can erase test and input whatever we want in there, you can roll your face over your keyboard, type a book story in different languages,etc and make sure it makes no sense in the end so no one can guess your entropy.

On top of that, i added random salting so each time you run this code, the entropy result code will be different even if the entropy is the same (This is to safe guard in case someone ends up saving the code file with the last entropy input they have used)

Now, when we ran that code, it gave us a result in hex that we can use on the next step.

2) Create your own Bitcoin address

import hashlib

import bip32utils

from mnemonic import Mnemonic

import bech32

import base58

# Input your entropy code

entropy_code = ""  # IMPORTANT: After running the program, erase your code

# Convert the entropy code to bytes

entropy = bytes.fromhex(entropy_code)

# Generate a BIP39 mnemonic phrase

mnemonic = Mnemonic("english")

words = mnemonic.to_mnemonic(entropy)  # 12-word phrase

# Derive a seed from the mnemonic phrase

seed = mnemonic.to_seed(words)

# Derive a master key from the seed

master_key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha512', seed, b'mnemonic', 2048)

# Derive the private key from the master key

private_key = master_key[:32]

# Convert private key to WIF format

extended_private_key = b'\x80' + private_key + b'\x01'

checksum = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(extended_private_key).digest()).digest()[:4]

wif_private_key = base58.b58encode(extended_private_key + checksum).decode()

# Hash the private key

hashed_private_key = hashlib.sha256(private_key).digest()

# Apply RIPEMD-160 hash

ripemd160_hash = hashlib.new('ripemd160')


hashed_ripemd160 = ripemd160_hash.digest()

# Add a version byte

version_byte = b'\x00'

extended_hashed_ripemd160 = version_byte + hashed_ripemd160

# Calculate the checksum

checksum = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(extended_hashed_ripemd160).digest()).digest()[:4]

# Append the checksum

address_bytes = extended_hashed_ripemd160 + checksum

# Determine the appropriate values for hrp, witver, and witprog based on the address type

hrp = "bc"  # Human-readable part for Bitcoin mainnet addresses

witver = 0  # Witness version (0 for Pay-to-Witness-Public-Key-Hash addresses)

witprog = hashed_ripemd160  # Use the hashed RIPEMD-160 instead of address_bytes

# Generate the Bech32 public key

bech32_public_key = bech32.encode(hrp, witver, hashed_ripemd160)

# Print the Bitcoin private key (WIF format), checksum, Bech32 address, and Bech32 public key

print("Bitcoin Private Key (WIF format):", wif_private_key)

print("Bitcoin Private Key (Hexadecimal):", private_key.hex())

print("Checksum:", checksum.hex())

print("BIP39 Mnemonic Phrase:", words)

print("Bech32 Public Key:", bech32_public_key)

print("If your public key ends with a P, try to generate a new one")

Here, all you need to change is the entropy code required at the start, which is the entropy code we got when we ran the first code.

Your seed phrase will be generated from the words pool of "BIP39" which is the standard used for many wallets out there. I was tempted to create seed phrase with numbers and other languages, since that would make them less common, but some wallets require to import a seed phrase that uses BIP39

You can see what the results will be by checking all the "Print" output at the end.
Remember you might need to download the libraries onto your pc first. And this code should be ran with your Internet off

I hope this can be useful to someone and don't hesitate to tell me if my code has some issues or vulnerabilities

And, can you show me a modification to my code to create a Taproot address?