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Available Jobs

Share Your Referral Link in a Telegram Group with 50k+ Members and Earn $5
Post your referral link in a Telegram group with over 50,000 members, encourage them to join the platform, and earn $5
We want to grow our community with your help! Your task is to post your referral link in a Telegram group with more than 50,000 members. Let them know about our platform and encourage them to join. You’ll earn $5 once your post is verified.

Task Requirements:
  • Post your referral link in a Telegram group with at least 50,000 members.
  • In your post, explain why they should join the platform and highlight some key benefits.
  • Provide a screenshot of your post and a link to the group as proof of completion.
  • The Telegram group must be related to crypto or a relevant topic.

You’ll earn $5 for a verified post in a Telegram group with 50k+ members. Your reward will be credited once your submission is approved.

  1. Copy your referral link from your profile.
  2. Join or find a Telegram group with over 50,000 members.
  3. Create a post with your referral link and a message explaining the benefits of joining our platform.
  4. Submit a screenshot of the post and a link to the group for verification.

A moderator will review your submission to confirm the group size and the content of your post. Once verified, your reward will be credited to your account.
Status: Active
Reward Type: Credits
Reward: 5.00 USD

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