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Latest questions

When did the SPIDERMAN BITCOIN start? I never heard of it until now.
the project’s initial phase was introduced without prior public announcement, i dont know when it start or created
I did a quick search on it and it looks like Nov. 2023.
SPIDERMAN BITCOIN will deduct 3% of each transaction for automatic burn, helping SPIDERMAN BITCOIN stay sustainable. LP locked forever and devs do not hold tokens. SPIDERMAN BITCOIN will successfully create a meme trend like no one else. Teams goal is to list 30 major exchanges.
They take 3% of each transaction on trades?
Wow thats a lot
Currently, CoinVault Multi Wallet does not support funding your account directly through PayPal.
Commissions are calculated every 24 hours and can be claimed at any time. They are directly added to your balance and can be used for playing or withdrawn in accordance with our minimum withdrawal requirements.
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Ok thank you, I will check it out
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You are welcome!
Are there any limits to the number of referrals I can make?
There's no limit! Invite as many friends as you'd like using your personal referral link. The more friends you bring in, the more you can earn.
The referral program allows you to earn rewards by inviting friends to our platform. Simply share your unique referral link, and you'll earn commissions on their wagers.