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As of Feb 15th, the GonnaMakeIt token supply will drop 75%! Users can participate early and reserve their $GMI Airdrop

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As of Feb 15th, the GonnaMakeIt token supply will drop 75%! Users can participate early and reserve their $GMI Airdrop for claiming after the Token Generation Event. The program distributes 1,000,000,000 $GMI tokens through the Ethereum blockchain.

The GMI Airdrop program aims to increase awareness for the upcoming GonnaMakeIt Marketplace release expected to launch in Q2 2023 on both the Ethereum and Energi blockchains!

About GonnaMakeIt

GonnaMakeIt NFT Marketplace aims to increase NFT adoption by building an ecosystem where user safety is key, with a rewarding protocol for users to trade NFTs, stake native $GMI tokens and invite their friends onto the network.

GonnaMakeIt is featuring Guaranteed Royalties and Powerful Anti-Scam Protection.

Step by step guide GonnaMakeIt Airdrop
  1. Visit the $GMI Airdrop dashboard & Connect your MetaMask wallet to check what amount of GMI tokens you can claim.

  2. Unlock your rewards by creating 2 or more New NFT listings Or Import 2 or more NFT listings from OpenSea. The listing price should be at least 1.2x the global collection floor price.

  3. If it doesn t appear you have any Airdrop rewards to claim yet. Don t worry, they ve designed the GMI Airdrop to be accessible to everyone! Acquire some $NRG tokens to earn sweet $GMI rewards. Complete the Airdrop bonus tasks to earn more $GMI.

  4. Share your unique referral link with friends and get a 20% bonus on their Airdrop rewards + 10% of their trading fees after GonnaMakeIt launches. You must have at least 200 $NRG tokens in your wallet to unlock referral rewards.
Step-by-Step Guide ”GonnaMakeIt Airdrop”

The base amount of GMI tokens a user receives will be proportional to the base GMI amount allocated for each of the following reserve criteria. The $GMI Airdrop snapshots have been taken based on:

  • OpenSea Trading Volume: Oct 15, 2022
  • $LOOKS, $X2Y2, $UNI, and $SUSHI Token Holding: Nov 1, 2022
  • $ETH Holding – block height 15876942: Nov 1, 2022
PawProfitForum does not endorse communities that promise unrealistic returns through potentially unethical practices. We are committed to promoting safe, informed, and ethical participation in the cryptocurrency space. We urge our audience to remain cautious, perform thorough research, and consider the broader implications of their investment decisions. All the above reviews include unverified information. Please conduct your own research. Share your feedback


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