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Recent content by monster_masterpiece

  1. monster_masterpiece

    Can you make money as a proofreader?

    Just a small question what is difference on invest on Grammarly premium or recruit someone to be a proofreader? Aren't they the same?
  2. monster_masterpiece

    How to make money as a Virtual Assistant?

    Some people do this service from purpose to people on facebook to be their virtual assistant. But I did not know this technic works or a scam venture if you receive this message from someone saying to be your virtual assistant.
  3. monster_masterpiece

    Can you make money playing video games?

    Most of them earn from sharing the streaming process of playing with other players. The earning is basically from the ads for example that people following the stream may see on the live.
  4. monster_masterpiece

    Do you make money with online surveys?

    Rarelly I make money from survey. Most of the time I get disqualified or for example credit for disqualification survey. It is not every day source of income.
  5. monster_masterpiece

    Can you make money without any investment?

    The access to internet needs to pay fee like go to coffee shop to purchase something to get cellular data wifi even if you don't have at home. Money earned must cover these expenses at least not working for some cents each month.
  6. monster_masterpiece

    How to make money online with freelancing?

    Writing is not something easy. They require a number of words. Also it must be not result of chat gpt or AI but something you write it by your own hands. Most of them goes to technical writing means you need some skills not write about the weather but for example about nested components which is...
  7. monster_masterpiece

    How to make money from social media?

    TikTok is based on system of tip contributors and creators of the content add to buy or sell. Some people tip you for promoting some meaningful content.
  8. monster_masterpiece

    How do bloggers make money?

    There is shortened way to earn money from traffic is to have an account on Publish0X or Read Cash or Blurt Blog and you earn money depending on the views to your post. Having blog approved in monetization platforms is a very long term work and needs work a lot to reach same result.
  9. monster_masterpiece

    ⍰ ASK How to make 30$ per day?

    All freelancing platforms works with system of connects or credits like Upwork to find job faster or bid for jobs. With 10 free connect it is long way to get involved into job. Earn in free mode from freelancing has been gone.
  10. monster_masterpiece

    Hello from monster_masterpiece

    Hello from monster_masterpiece! I have a passion for engaging in forums where I can connect with like-minded individuals. I find great joy in discussing various topics, especially music and sports, as they are integral parts of my life. Whether it's attending concerts, following my favorite...