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Recent content by Obari

  1. Obari

    SUPPORT 🏆 How to Convert PPF Points to Money 💰

    There is no better explanation than this and thanks Mayahn for taking out your time to explain the process in the simplest form. The forum is actually getting better by the day and I love the fact that, Mayahn isn’t sleeping on this and working tirelessly to bring in the best to the forum...
  2. Obari


    Welcome to the forum cratel and it’s nice having you here. There are several opportunities for you to earn from here and basically you can earn from promoting the forum. Cheers and looking forward to seeing you earning through promoting the forum.
  3. Obari

    ⍰ ASK Which business is best to start from home?

    But I was actually thinking about the possibility of running a child care from home and online and I’ve heard about it but I’ve been thinking about the possibilities. Will be glad if anyone can actually tell me about how this things about nanny care from online really works.
  4. Obari

    ⍰ ASK How to make 30$ per day?

    I guess you’re still new to the online space but regardless, there are several jobs you can do to earn over $30 a day outside trading, maybe you might not be paid per day but per week and for instance, someone earns $300 per week if divided by 7 days, I’m sure it’s more than $30 a day. As for...
  5. Obari

    ⍰ ASK Are private keys able to be transported between different hot wallet softwares?

    I found this thread very useful and since I didn’t want to skip as there was no answer to it, I had to go check it out on metaAI and with reference to metalAI Yes, you can recover your Bitcoin funds using the 12-word private key (also known as a seed phrase) on a different wallet, such as...
  6. Obari

    Review PAW PATROL INU Review

    What has been your experience with PAW PATROL INU's services? It wasn’t a very nice one I must say, and I don’t know if it as any affiliation with our great forum which I don’t think but, I guess that’s the stress that comes with memecoins, hence I took every experience as a lesson. Have you...
  7. Obari

    All say Kross as he lands on Paw Profit Forum.

    Welcome on board Kross and your thread title really got me laughing so hard and yeah l have to say “KROSS” 😂 I’m sure you’ll enjoy your stay here and also there are a whole lot of reviews and contents for you to check out as well. Please feel free to vibe with others and ask every question you...
  8. Obari

    ⍰ ASK I am new, I have a question

    Cryptocurrency is a decentralized digital currency and as such should be held with absolute consciousness as you’re solely responsible to whatever happens to your coin. I’m sure you’re in the right place for everything crypto related and how to hold your coin depends on the reason for holding...
  9. Obari

    PEACE ☮️

    PEACE ☮️
  10. Obari

    Treborika here,

    Welcome on board and it’s good to have you here. Heard a lot of good things about Kenya and I’m glad to have a citizen here. Please do well to explore the forum and help spread some awareness about the forum. Cheers
  11. Obari

    PAW is available on pre market

    Just got a notification from my exchange that the paw coin is available on pre market and this is a welcome development and also an opportunity for us to buy paw for those who intend to hold it or trade it. Goodluck
  12. Obari

    ✅OFFICIAL PawProfitForum – Your Ultimate Guide to Forex Trading Resources in 2025!

    I’m hoping to see a review of them on here because I’ve trade on them several times and years and I know and trust them for their expertise for this long years of being in the industry
  13. Obari

    ⍰ ASK Do people actually gamble solely for fun?

    Welcome to the forum Laurentta, and I’m glad to have you because people like you are actual asset to the forum and I love how bluntly you answer to the threads and you align perfectly with my views Thank you for having a like mind as mine.
  14. Obari

    IDEAS Without money, The knowledge is a waste

    Perfectly said in the simplest form. I agree that having the necessary knowledge is paramount but trying to know to the peak in the industry without sorting how to own bitcoin which is the basic of it, it’s then useless as you’ll end up missing all the vitals that comes with it .
  15. Obari

    China Freight Forwarding Solutions: Optimizing Your Shipping Needs

    This is really informative and thank you for this update and information but I want to also know if it will possible for one to do the work of the forwarder and is there any special certification to be a china freight forwarder.