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Recent content by Trush Jodie

  1. Trush Jodie

    Originally Answered: How do I make money online?

    There are many ways to make money online. You could do book reviews to earn $5 for every book you review. You can do social media content to earn online. One thing is certain though. Earning online is not an easy thing and demands intentionality.
  2. Trush Jodie

    ⍰ ASK How to make 30$ per day?

    Sincerely, there is no gig online that would give you $30 in a day. Anyone that tells you that such gigs exists online is leading you to a delusion. Or outrightly wants to scam you.
  3. Trush Jodie

    IDEAS Investing in New Cryptos? Be Cautious of These 4 Red Flags

    I don't think I would ever be a victim of crypto coin scam. That's because I don't go for coins that are not established. I don't even consider investing in coins that are not top 20 in market cap. That's playing safe and I think is the path that newbies should toe.
  4. Trush Jodie

    IDEAS Got scammed? Here's how to recover your funds

    Trying to get back lost funds due to scam might even cost you so much money to recover. It is good to keep all your documents and transaction records just in case there is a chance of recovery.
  5. Trush Jodie

    ⍰ ASK Do people actually gamble solely for fun?

    I have a brother that gambles. He doesn't gamble for fun. But he is not hoping to become rich with it. He has never staked more than $2 on any game. People don't gamble for fun though.
  6. Trush Jodie

    ❕NEWS Ethereum: Navigating Volatility in the March 2025 Crypto Market

    The month of March has been one month that people have completely doubted the viability of the Eth as a potential bitcoin alternative. Some people are even tipping BNB and Solana to surpass Eth in the next five years. ETH has really been disappointing.
  7. Trush Jodie

    ❕NEWS XRP is doomed...

    XRP is not doomed if you ask me. It is one of those coins that has a very large community behind it. It might be down now but I don't think Trump can do much to keep it down for a long time.
  8. Trush Jodie

    ☑️NEW Coins being manipulated by crypto whales

    The dip that we are experiencing now in the crypto market, it is all because of the action of the whales. We are just pawns in their game. You just have to position yourself to take advantage of their games in the market. Crypto whales are a reality.
  9. Trush Jodie

    Bitcoin in the Trump Era: Potential Profit or Big Bubble?

    So far, so good Bitcoin and the entire crypto market is not giving the expectations that many wanted in the Trump era. But I still believe that there is hope as Trump is making some pro crypto policies.
  10. Trush Jodie

    ☑️NEW What's your online business?

    I get to sell underwears online through Facebook marketplace. Sometimes, I sell turtle neck shirts too. I am relatively new in the business but I am able to sell 50 underwears in two weeks.
  11. Trush Jodie

    Hi, I am TJ.

    My name is Trush Jodie. I am relatively new on this forum. Hope to find in this forum, a lovely place to learn and share ideas.