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⍰ ASK Which business is best to start from home?

I wouldn't know if you will agree that the businesses listed below are the best to start from whether you are a male or female. If any of them caught your attention please do share with us strategies that you will adopt when starting the business from home.

In case any of these businesses do not match your kind of business to start from , please share with us those businesses that are best to start from home.
So the businesses are:

  • Childcare Business.
  • Virtual Fitness Trainer.
  • Web Developer.
  • Executive Assistant.
  • Dropshipping
  • Translator
  • Tutor.
  • Nanny.
There are so many cool possibilities. You could sell stuff you make, offer services online, or even do something digital like a blog or YouTube channel. The most important thing is finding something you're really excited about. What kind of ideas are you exploring?
Sometimes it can be difficult to settle for what you are passionate about because it may not be forthcoming when it comes to making money. However, one can have multiple skills and settle for one
Great responses so far! I started this thread because I know a lot of people want to work from home but aren’t sure what’s best for them. Like @esprit_girl mentioned, freelancing and affiliate marketing are solid choices, and digital products can be a great long-term play.

Childcare is definitely viable, but as @King Belieal pointed out, it requires proper setup and experience.

At the end of the day, the best home business is one that matches your skills, interests, and resources. What businesses have worked for you, and what challenges did you face?
I think child care business would be a really viable business to start from home. But the fact remains that anyone starting such business must show competence in infrastructure and capacity to handle kids. But it is a very viable business to start from home.
But I was actually thinking about the possibility of running a child care from home and online and I’ve heard about it but I’ve been thinking about the possibilities.
Will be glad if anyone can actually tell me about how this things about nanny care from online really works.

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