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❕NEWS XRP is doomed...

Chris Larsen donated more than $1m to Kamala Harris' political campaign in XRP lately. However, the Democratic US presidential candidate lost against Republican contender Donald Trump. Considering Kamala's "embarrassing" loss, does this mean XRP lost too? After all, XRP was donated to her political campaign. Trump expressed his rejection of a US CBDC, so a centralized coin like XRP will be heavily-scrutinized in the upcoming administration.

I think a huge "dump" awaits for XRP soon. Don't you agree?
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Eliminate Vibration Issues and Improve Equipment Performance

Vibration is a silent killer of industrial machines. Imbalance leads to worn-out bearings, misalignment, and costly breakdowns. Balanset-1A is the ultimate tool for detecting and correcting vibration problems in electric motors, pumps, and turbines.

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Price: 9990 zl

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Price: 8800 zl

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