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  1. Augusta

    ⍰ ASK How to make 30$ per day?

    Yes freelancing will help. you just need to do some brush up with your skills. Writing can give you that daily.
  2. Augusta

    How to make money online with freelancing?

    There are different ways to make money as a freelancer you would be hired for jobs. you can be a writer. you can be a content creator or even a poster
  3. Augusta

    Can you make money without any investment?

    I don't think so because even the computer you would be using needs you to invest in it. Even the data to access the internet isn't free. More like the investment would be smsll
  4. Augusta

    How do bloggers make money?

    They make money by monetizing their traffic. They can make money through affiliate marketing. Same with getting donations from users
  5. Augusta

    How to make money from social media?

    They are different ways you can try it by buying and selling. you can also get jobs from there
  6. Augusta

    Do you make money with online surveys?

    I don't make money with surveys. I'm in the third tier country. So I get disqualified whatever I try.
  7. Augusta

    How to make money as a Virtual Assistant?

    Yes, the first thing is to familiarize yourself with the tools of the VA trade. Then use greelancing platforms as a viable place to apply
  8. Augusta

    Can you make money playing video games?

    Truthfully, I have never earned money from playing video games. But you can if you are skilled. This is on platforms online
  9. Augusta

    Can you make money as a proofreader?

    Sure I would love to be one. I have tried bidding for the job on Upwork but it didn't work for me.
  10. Augusta

    IDEAS Investing in New Cryptos? Be Cautious of These 4 Red Flags

    That's right there's a huge risk with investing in cryptocurrency. You need to know. the risks before investing. it's not a quick money making venture
  11. Augusta


    Yeah guys good to see ye alm here. i hope you all are having a good time. Yes I would enjoy here too.