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Search results

  1. Obari

    PAW is available on pre market

    Just got a notification from my exchange that the paw coin is available on pre market and this is a welcome development and also an opportunity for us to buy paw for those who intend to hold it or trade it. Goodluck
  2. Obari

    ⍰ ASK Do you know any accurate sport betting prediction channel

    The title already asked it all and I will be glad if you can share with the community any good gambling prediction channels that you know Let’s all earn together while gambling responsibly.
  3. Obari

    Bank | Crypto | Crypto Bank .. Get AnEU Bank Account Easily

    Hi, this is quite straight forward, i would give you a functional EU Crypto Bank account (Verified) that allows you fund your account in crypto and exchange to EUR and then send SEPA, or receive EUR and convert to crypto or receive EUR and send EUR. Cost: €1,500 If you are interested, send me...
  4. Obari

    I offer Escrow services

    As a moderator and In bite to contribute to the growth and transparency of activities on the forum, especially for the market board which is a very crucial one, I will be offering a free escrow services for amount below $100 for a one time transaction and for amounts above $100, a little fee...
  5. Obari

    IDEAS Without money, The knowledge is a waste

    Yes! you got the topic very correct and I do mean it because after my last thread, I was actually wondering the essences of having all the knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency at large and still don't have the money to buy, I just feel it’s a waste of effort and such a person with all...
  6. Obari

    IDEAS Bitcoin and Gold, what’s the best retirement option

    I’ve been pondering on this very thread and since I’m already a believer of bitcoin, I already have a yes answer to bitcoin as a safe haven for retirement but on the other hand, bitcoin is still very new as compared to Gold, though bitcoin might be doin well, but anything can happen and that’s...
  7. Obari

    ⍰ ASK Do people actually gamble solely for fun?

    I think my question is already very straight without getting to write so much explanations and over the time, I've heard several talks about people gambling for fun and at some point, i have to pause to think why will someone risk money just for fun, when there are several other games and...
  8. Obari

    ✅OFFICIAL Flash bitcoin is a scam

    This is an official announcement that all threads concerning flash bitcoin is a scam and everyone should be very careful while dealing with them. Always make sure to do a proper research before paying for any services on the internet of which the forum isn’t exempted and always ask for escrow...
  9. Obari

    IDEAS Nigerian local chat

    This place is dedicated to Nigerians but others are welcome to chat as we would love to have everyone share in the beauty of the country.