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Search results

  1. Oluti

    IDEAS Forex trading signals

    Forex trading signals are generated by professional traders, automated trading bots, brokerage firms, and copy trading platforms. Some traders rely on expert analysis, while others use AI-powered algorithms or social trading communities like Telegram and Discord. Brokers and financial...
  2. Oluti

    IDEAS Forex trading signals are the result of a process of technical analysis.

    Forex trading signals are the result of a process of technical analysis. Traders will perform analysis of chart patterns in accordance with their trading plan. The analysis will use a variety of technical indicators, along with trend analysis and identifying support and resistance levels. Once...
  3. Oluti

    IDEAS Forex signal systems can create executions

    Forex signal systems can create executions that are either manual or automated. A manual system involves a trader sitting at the computer screen, looking for signals and interpreting whether to buy or sell. An automated trading system involves the trader "teaching" the software what signals to...
  4. Oluti

    IDEAS Betting to invest

    regarded as "gambling" so tax free. Apparently 'they' could, but never have, chased anyone using it as a career. While the Spy is running say 25%, you could bet eg (ignoring extra margin requirement) 20k on margin at 5:1 Your 100k becomes 125k in a year. With a swap rate a couple of % over...
  5. Oluti

    IDEAS Non Derivative Forex Trading

    Hello, Contract for Difference (CFD) is a derivative product, which means we do not own any assets directly; instead, the value of the CFD product is derived from underlying assets. Therefore, CFD trades are not real currency exchanges. Is there any forex trading that is not a derivative...
  6. Oluti

    IDEAS The Trading Masterclass

    From beginner to advanced, who want to focus on the day and swing trading stocks, options, forex and crypto, this course is highly endorsed. The reason why opting for courses by Forex trainers and not basic Udemy module courses is an excellent place to start learning is because not only they...
  7. Oluti

    IDEAS Trading signals

    Trading signals are the tools which give trading ideas to the investors, many new traders are attracted by these signals as they get a market forecast from an experienced person. The signals can be in the form of an EA(expert advisor) or maybe through any other mode of communication. Using...
  8. Oluti

    IDEAS Which forex training courses should you choose

    foreign exchange We're going to answer that question and give you some tips on how to pick the best forex training course and how to avoid scams. As a general rule, all trading education courses should share 3 common features: 1. The forex classes should be designed to accommodate any skill...
  9. Oluti

    IDEAS forex signal basically

    forex signal basically are the trade ideas derived by the trading experts after their detailed analysis. Many experienced traders offer free or paid trading signals to other less experienced traders who can refer to the trade idea and place trades. Trading signals are not only offered by...
  10. Oluti

    IDEAS A forex signal system

    A forex signal system is a set of analyses that a forex trader uses to determine whether to buy or sell a currency pair at any given time. Forex signal systems could be based on technical analysis charting tools or news-based events.
  11. Oluti

    ⍰ ASK What are forex trading signals?

    Forex trading signals are trading recommendations from other traders. Expert analysts and seasoned traders, and sometimes novice traders, may give other traders recommendations to trade which currency pairs in which direction. The recommendations come typically with a stop loss and target...
  12. Oluti

    ⍰ ASK Who Knows about Speculative trading?

    I only know little about it, That i am telling you in below paragraphs: Speculative trading is basically buying and selling assets—like stocks, currencies, or commodities—with the goal of making a profit from price changes. It’s not about long-term investing; it’s about spotting opportunities...
  13. Oluti

    IDEAS Trader Bingo For 2025

    Hey. I was thinking about trading through 2025 year, and I wanted some kind of the Trader Bingo check up. Choose what’s happened to you this year: 1. Blowing up your account in one day 2. Reading books about trading or investment 3. Trading on a demo account 4. Trying to predict the market...
  14. Oluti

    IDEAS Trading Method, learn how to 'Live Trade' for FREE

    This is more than just a trading strategy it is a complete trading method on how to 'Live Trade' the financial market of your choice. The original idea behind this method was the development of a trading method to the most challenging and arguably problematic area of trading that the new and...
  15. Oluti

    ⍰ ASK blockchain.info No email sent to login to wallet

    Hello everyone, I have a problem. I haven't received an email to log in to my blockchain.info wallet . I wrote to support. They replied You will need to verify your login session, and this can be done via the email sent to you when you log in using your wallet ID. If the email doesn't arrive, or...
  16. Oluti

    ⍰ ASK Bitcoin.com wallet

    Hello everyone, I encountered a living nightmare this morning. I always kept all my currency in this wallet on my computer, the seed phrase is there, of course. Today I discovered that the wallet now shows network erorr. I thought it was no big deal, but when I try to restore the wallet on...
  17. Oluti

    IDEAS Problem with Ledger Nano

    Hello everyone! I wanted to transfer ZEC from Ledger, and a problem popped up. When confirming the transaction, a message getspvarint called with unexpected parameters pops up. I tried to repeat it a few days later, the same thing. Neither the mobile version nor the computer version leave, the...
  18. Oluti

    IDEAS Forex Different Earnings

    Good luck to everyone for abundant profits.Opening a trade on a single currency pair imposes the obligation to predict its movement.Instead, I find it easier to compare two currency pairs against each other.I engage in this comparison predominantly between the pair that has fallen the most and...
  19. Oluti

    IDEAS SEO with AI for more traffic

    To relate SEO with AI for more traffic, leverage AI tools to analyze user behavior, optimize content, and improve keyword targeting. AI-powered platforms can provide data-driven insights, automate content creation, and enhance personalization, ensuring that content ranks higher on search...
  20. Oluti

    IDEAS Investing in crypto is not a bad idea

    Investing in crypto is not a bad idea, only often influencers take advantage of public opinion, which leads to unpredictable consequences in the market. Followed many famous and private traders, but in the long run their tactics were a failure. So really, maybe buying gold or real estate are...