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Search results

  1. Suba

    Adbtc.top Review?

    Adbtc.top is a Bitcoin earning site where users earn free Bitcoin (satoshi) by viewing ads, without having to make a deposit or upgrade an account for withdrawal. The Adbtc.top site was launched since Oct1, 2016 and is located in Russia, User Friendly Adbtc.top is user friendly and easy to use...
  2. Suba

    Understanding Forex Trading

    Many people assume that forex trading (foreign exchange) is the same as when people exchange foreign currency at a money changer or at a bank. Of course this assumption is wrong, for that we can interpret forex trading as the activity of trading currency pairs (for example USD/JPY) where USD is...
  3. Suba

    Impact of Solana Futures ETF

    Yesterday, Thursday (3/20/2025), a Florida, USA-based Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) provider company "Volatility Shares" has launched two Solana futures-based ETFs, namely Volatility Shares Solana ETF (SOLZ) and Volatility Shares 2x Solana ETF (SOLT) and will be traded on Nasdaq. The SOLZ ETF was...
  4. Suba

    Bitcoin in the Trump Era: Potential Profit or Big Bubble?

    In the crypto world, narratives have great leverage to influence prices and strengthen crypto adoption, currently one of the big figures who is always associated with the crypto world is President Donald Trump. Moreover, in his speech, in New York City on Thursday (3/20/2025), Trump stated that...
  5. Suba

    Jupiter Exchange Review

    Jupiter Exchange (jup.ag) is one of the best Decentralized Exchange (DEX) operating on the Solana network, launched in 2021 by an anonymous developer Meow. Jupiter exchange is also a liquidity aggregator on the Solana blockchain, which collects liquidity from various DEXs such as Serum, Orca...
  6. Suba


    Hi, I'm Suba, a new member who wants to broaden my horizons on this forum and I will also share experiences and opinions.
  7. Suba

    Faucetpay.io Review

    Faucetpay.io is a microwallet founded around the end of 2019 where users collect crypto obtained from various faucet sites and paid to click sites. So as a meeting point between users and site owners with the aim of reducing crypto transaction costs which if paid directly from the faucet site to...