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Search results

  1. B

    IDEAS Bitcoin and Gold, what’s the best retirement option

    Right now, most of my holdings are in the top listings here in the crypto market, for example the top Altcoins, top meme coins, Top Ai coins, Depin coins, base coins that are on top. These are just some of the things I do when researching these coins and at the same time I look at the cm and...
  2. B

    ☑️NEW Holiday season rewards

    I think they don't have Dogs airdrops 2.0 at this time. Because if there really is one, I will definitely participate in it and I know that many will participate in it for sure in the end. Even if Notcoin has airdrops again, I will also participate but now they both don't have round 2 airdrops.
  3. B

    ✅LEGIT ✅📦📦📦BIG Airdrop from Lisk📦📦📦✅

    Is this airdrop still active now op? because if it's still running then maybe I'm not late or I can still catch up as a participant, right? Or am I too late to participate in this. It seems like I missed this airdrop and I think I can also get a profit from it somehow.
  4. B

    ☑️NEW Holiday season rewards

    Why is there another airdrops in Dogs this year 2025? Because in the first airdrops 2 days before the airdrops ended, I was able to participate in the airdrops but even then I still got something somehow. If they have another one this season, I will definitely participate again because I tried...
  5. B

    IDEAS Bitcoin and Gold, what’s the best retirement option

    I knew know what you want to say about this, we know that most of the time every cycle of halving or bull run the usual things often happen, the price value of Bitcoin is only repeated 5 to 6x. And to be practical, we all have our own goals in this industry. And we have different goal target...
  6. B

    ✅LEGIT $TAKER airdrop RAISED: $3m in funding to integrate financial primitives into the NFT market

    I've been grinding on this Taker for 3 days now, and I've accumulated around 71000 points, I'm not exactly sure. But I just have a question, are the points that can be accumulated here the basis for getting Taker coins on these apps? So does this mean that it's possible to have airdrops here...
  7. B

    Before I was doing grinding on paws, but I didn't do any of the other tasks, although I only...

    Before I was doing grinding on paws, but I didn't do any of the other tasks, although I only checked in daily, I was able to accumulate around 38000 Paws, I just don't know if this is the amount I will receive in the wallet connected to the network that they are asking for. Do you think I will...
  8. B

    ✅LEGIT $TAKER airdrop RAISED: $3m in funding to integrate financial primitives into the NFT market

    Sorry admin, but the instructions you gave are a bit undetailed, I think you missed something in your airdrop sharing. You didn't include in the instructions that participants need to first add TAKER CHAIN to the network using a Metamask wallet. Reference:
  9. B

    ✅OFFICIAL Welcome to PawProfit! Let's Get to Know Each Other 🐾

    Thank you very much for the sweet reminders and advice about this matter, no worries, I will still take care of it in the near future, just not right now, my friend. I know that having a pet at home is still different. In fact, I am planning to take care of a dog again, and a cat as well so...
  10. B

    ☑️NEW Earn Money, Crypto, Binary Options and Forex Trading Discussions

    Honestly speaking, I don't trust binary options in terms of trading activity in forex, because they are often hype and are only used by exploitative scammers from what I know about this matter. Then, often, in forex trading, you need to have a broker so that you can carry out trading activity...
  11. B

    ❕NEWS XRP is doomed...

    For those who did DCA on Ripple last month and haven't sold yet, many of them have probably already sold some of their XRP because they have obviously profited from the value so far. Having a huge dump can happen if the whale manipulators of XRP want it, and if they don't want it, they can...
  12. B

    IDEAS Bitcoin and Gold, what’s the best retirement option

    For example, if I had no choice but to choose between the two, I would choose Bitcoin, if I had no choice to choose. But in reality, as I first mentioned in the first post, that's exactly what I would do. Maybe bitcoin is not the one I choose to invest in because its price is really too...
  13. B

    ✅OFFICIAL Welcome to PawProfit! Let's Get to Know Each Other 🐾

    Right now, I don't have any pets, though last year I had dogs, and he died and I couldn't do anything for him, so it's like I got a phobia after those events, it's like I felt like I wasn't worth taking care of a pet. So I don't take care of a pet for now, though I am planning in the future to...
  14. B

    ✅OFFICIAL Welcome to PawProfit! Let's Get to Know Each Other 🐾

    Good day to admin, and to others. since its my first time here, I am glad that I will become one of the contributor to promote this forum platform to spread all over the social media platform the opportunity of bitcoin/cryptocurrency to other's using this platform in which is pawprofit. God...
  15. B

    IDEAS Bitcoin and Gold, what’s the best retirement option

    They both can help us, now if you have a deep understanding of Bitcoin you can say that it's up to you if you allocate the majority fund you have and buy it with bitcoin then hold for the long-term. Now if it's a retirement fund, you can do it 50/50 or out of 100%, divide the 75% in half then...
  16. B

    ⍰ ASK Do people actually gamble solely for fun?

    Not all gamblers who enter casinos do so for fun, because the majority of gamblers still intend to make a profit most of the time, because they believe in luck and are willing to take risks to grow their small amount of money. And there are others who are just passing the time because they are...
  17. B

    ⍰ ASK How to make 30$ per day?

    If you have an idea about trading and you have a deep understanding of it, then surely before the end of the day you can immediately get a profit from trading. And of course you must also know how to analyze the whole crypto assets that you will make a trading pair. However, if you have zero...
  18. B

    ⍰ ASK Who is still HODLING?

    There are many long-term holders in this era, especially since we are in a bull run as of the moment, because the risk is very low compared to day trading activities which are very high risk especially if you are entering futures trading. Though, the important thing is that you are sure about...