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Search results

  1. Starmix

    Sites that pay to upload

    Indeed, that could be profitable if it succeeds in any of those mentioned. I only tried TikTok, and it worked well for me
  2. Starmix

    Artificial Intelligence reviews

    AI reviews are becoming increasingly important , especially with the rise of AI-powered products. Here are some key points to consider on AI review platforms. .There are platforms like Rayyan that use AI to facilitate systematic reviews and literature reviews . Rayyan's AI streamlines the...
  3. Starmix

    Latest Artificial Intelligence news

    There s a new AI models and tools, the GPT-4.5 Launch. OpenAI is set to launch this with reverences to the new model already spotted in the Android version of ChatGPT. Microsoft's Phi AI models has launched its next-gen Phi AI models, Phi4-multimodal and Phi-4 mini, which improve speech...
  4. Starmix

    Sites that pay to upload

    I would like to share with you some sites that pay people to upload . The following are: YouTube, TikTok, Medium, Patreon, Upwork, Shutterstock, AudioJungle, GitHub, Issuu, and Skilllshare. You may like to try any of these mentioned sites. Remember to always read the terms and conditions of...
  5. Starmix

    ☑️NEW Hi guys?

    Thank you to admin @fords8 .I explored so many sites now he he. The feeling is over the moon.
  6. Starmix

    ☑️NEW Hi guys?

    Thank you Boss ,Admin @mayahn . I surely do it . Meeting new friends is awesome.😁
  7. Starmix

    Can you make money as a proofreader?

    For Grammarly premium, you are required to pay $12 a month though they can also offer free editing but it is limited. Errors are still there unlike if a premium user. You can auto use the Grammarly in proofreading.
  8. Starmix

    ☑️NEW What's your online business?

    @King Belieal , you have a very profitable business. Having a poultry farm guarantees money from meat, feathers, dung, and eggs. Your target market are just near you.
  9. Starmix

    Link directory comment by 'Starmix' in item 'CryptoZombie Youtube Channel Review'

    Thank you for sharing this. It is very informative. This is also my first time hearing about Crypto Zombie.
  10. Starmix

    ☑️NEW What's your online business?

    I am new to my online business. It is 8 months old. I am selling printed T-shirts and branded shoes. At first, it was not easy for I am not so sure of my target market if they like to buy printed t-shirts and branded shoes. I display my products on Facebook Marketplace. Thankfully, I got three...
  11. Starmix

    The King is here.

    Hi? Let us explore here and nice meeting you too on this awesome forum. It also has offers. I may explore soon.
  12. Starmix

    Can you make money as a proofreader?

    I am a registered proofreader for a site to do proofreading. I first bought their book before I could start to proofread.
  13. Starmix

    ☑️NEW What are your plans for next week?

    I know we all have plans. Your plans might be about travel for leisure, business transactions, marriage proposals, courting someone, or others. It is essential to prepare the intended plans. A plan done in haste does not give a perfect result. Next week, I plan to start a new business. I hope to...
  14. Starmix

    eLdavis here

    Hi? David? Nice meeting you here he he. I am so excited to have joined in this awesome site.
  15. Starmix

    ☑️NEW Hi guys?

    Hi, nice people of this awesome forum site. I am glad to be part of this site. Thanks all.