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  1. Chibson

    Why do some people seem to be able to sell anything? What is their secret?

    I think being able to sell anything is more of a strategy and mastery. One of the lessons I have learned from successful salesman in the past is knowing their target audience. If you study your target audience well you can be able to sell anything to them.
  2. Chibson

    IDEAS Can you provide examples of large businesses that have become small businesses?

    Myspace is one of the major businesses in the 2000s that has become a small business today. They actually came out before Facebook ,Twitter and other social media platforms but today nobody hears from them again. I think their lack of innovation caused it.
  3. Chibson

    How do I expand a small business successfully

    Consistent marketing is one of the ways of expanding your business. If you know your target audience and you market your business consistently to them you will likely make profit and be able to expand on the long run.
  4. Chibson

    Why do you think business startups fail too oftenly?

    There are many reasons why many startups fail. One of the major reasons is situating in a wrong location where nobody actually needs your services. Another major reason is lack of financial capacity.
  5. Chibson

    How to make money online with freelancing?

    If you are a freelancer there are several opportunities to make money. But it is largely dependent on your area of focus. If you are a content writer for example, they will get a lot of opportunities. There are also many opportunities for people like video editors, graphics designers, virtual...
  6. Chibson

    How to make money as a Virtual Assistant?

    I think getting such jobs is rare these days. If you go to a platform like fiverr you will actually see some opportunities but it is very much competitive. Only those with trusted track record will be considered for such jobs.
  7. Chibson

    IDEAS Without money, The knowledge is a waste

    Well, there are still a lot of valuable airdrops out there. Assuming you were among those who mined pi network tokens, you could have made a lot of money when they launched their open mainnet.
  8. Chibson

    ⍰ ASK Where to register a .com domain?

    You can try platforms like namesilo, porkburn and dynadot. There are also many others in which you can use to register a .com domain.
  9. Chibson

    ⍰ ASK Where does Adsense money come from?

    Google adsense make their money through advertisers. If you want to promote something on the internet for example, you have to pay them in order for them to show the ads to people.
  10. Chibson

    Can you make money as a proofreader?

    There are many opportunities for proofreaders to make money on the internet. You can register on a platform like fiverr or upwork and apply for proofreading jobs. You have to apply to many clients in order to increase your chances of being selected.
  11. Chibson

    IDEAS Without money, The knowledge is a waste

    Well, bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading and investment acquires money for you to be profitable. Even if you have proper knowledge of technical and fundamental analysis without the capital to get started you will not make profit except maybe you are lucky to get an airdrop.
  12. Chibson

    Can you make money without any investment?

    Well, making money requires time but you can actually make money without investing money on the internet. Taking online surveys is one of the best ways you can make money online without investing anything apart from your time.
  13. Chibson

    Do you make money with online surveys?

    Online surveys makes people money on the internet especially those that are not skilled enough. The major downside with online surveys is that not everyone can participate. It is usually for those who are in top tier countries.
  14. Chibson

    How to make money from social media?

    Video content creation is the best way people make money on social media presently. There are many people that have gone from zero to thousands and even millions of Dollars through content creation. It requires a lot of consistency and focus.
  15. Chibson

    How do bloggers make money?

    There are several ways bloggers make money. They make money through Google adsense and also make money through affiliate marketing. Most bloggers are very much focused in affiliate marketing and I think they are very much profitable. Affiliate marketing can help you make a lot of money as a...
  16. Chibson

    ⍰ ASK How to make 30$ per day?

    Trading is actually very profitable. But before you can become a profitable trader you must have gone through a lot of stages and phases. I think getting a mentor is actually one of the best ways of becoming successful in the world of trading faster.
  17. Chibson

    Originally Answered: How do I make money online?

    Making money online is not that hard but it requires a lot of consistency. Whether you are killed or not there are several ways you can make money online. Taking online surveys for example does not need any skill. But trading cryptocurrency and other digital assets requires a lot of technical...
  18. Chibson

    ✅LEGIT The easiest way to make money online

    I think taking online surveys is one of the easiest ways of making money on the internet. It does not require any technical skill and ability for you to make money from them. The only downside is if you're not in the right location.
  19. Chibson

    ⍰ ASK Why do punters always want to be sure if a match is not fixed before betting?

    There is no specific method to find out a fixed match. Fix matches are highly confidential and the culprits will be punished if the authorities find out. Most of the matches that are fixed usually come from obscure league. That is why I prefer to bet on the known league because the rate of fixed...
  20. Chibson

    IDEAS There are currently several ways to make money online

    Anyone that wants to make money online must try as much as possible to acquire a skill. If you are graphics designer for example you can create a YouTube channel teaching people how to do graphics designing.