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❕NEWS DIY Bitcoin Blockclock

Hardware wallet manufacturer Coinkite created BlockClock Mini some time ago, and we saw that even twitter CEO Jack Dorsey owns one himself.
This is lovely device that can show Bitcoin price, sats per USD and current Bitcoin block, but one thing I don't like is the price of $399 plus shipping, so I am looking for some help in making my own DIY version.

I found some alternatives like without any information about price, from bitcoinmerch.com that costs around $40 but can only show Bitcoin price.

I also found for ink screen, and for that we need Raspberry Pi Zero, WaveShare ink screen, PiSugar battery and microSD Card.

I saw there are other diy bitcoin price tickers based on Raspberry Pi but I am looking to make as close as possible clone of Blockclock Mini and I would appreciate if you can help me with more information and suggestions.

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2024 UPDATE:

Few days ago I found a perfect open source alternative for expensive overpriced blockclock by coinkite/coldcard.
I am already boycotting all NVK-coldcard products and I hope he won't be angry and pissed (again) because someone made cheaper and better product (again) and made it open source.

Let me present you BTClock , made by Djuri B. from Netherlands.
Open-source block-shaped clock that is showing Bitcoin related information including Block height, Moscow Time (Sats per Dollar), Price, Time, Halving Countdown.

You can currently purchase BTClock fully assembled and tested for €190, or you can purchase individual parts and build it yourself.
It is using genius design with multiple small eInk displays mounted on top of PCB.
Compared to $400 for nvk-mini, this is a bargain!

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Build instructions:

Source code:

Official website: