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❓ASK Does a strategy works very well in gambling?


Staff member
I was surfing the net and i came across an important part of it that catches my attention then decided to share here maybe some other people can also read to know if this is true or can really help to gamblers, which is
Strategies to Win at the Casino:

1- Avoid flashy games with the lowest odds, like slot machines:- The games with the brightest lights, loudest sounds, and boldest colors – like slot machines and the Wheel of Fortune game – are meant to catch your eye and draw you in. They’re also the ones you’re least likely to win. Instead, focus your attention on the dimmer, calmer games with better odds.

2- Get better odds by sticking with table games like blackjack:- Slots are fun, but they statistically have much lower odds than any of the table games. Head to the blackjack, baccarat, or craps tables for better chances at winning some money.
If you love playing slots, set aside a smaller, specific amount of money for them. Use the rest of your money on the table games while still enjoying everything you like.

3- Play at calmer craps tables for better focus…and smarter bets.
4- Watch for sloppy blackjack dealers who accidentally flash cards.
5- Win Baccarat by betting with the banker until they start losing.
6- Play “surrender” or “en prison” roulette.
7- Make max bets on slot machines for larger payouts.

I would have go further sharing but, . But then number 7 got me worried, because as a gambler why would it encourage to make a max bets on slot for higher payout and what if they didn't win as planned does it mean they won't lose in slot or is winning more reliable in slot?