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IDEAS Forex Different Earnings

Good luck to everyone for abundant profits.Opening a trade on a single currency pair imposes the obligation to predict its movement.Instead, I find it easier to compare two currency pairs against each other.I engage in this comparison predominantly between the pair that has fallen the most and the one that has risen the most.To withstand potential slippage, I open gradual trades with small lots.Simultaneously, I buy one pair while selling the other.I use equal lot sizes and close all positions when I see a profit.The eight main currencies in the Forex market are EUR, GBP, AUD, NZD, USD, JPY, CAD, and CHF.The total percentage change of these eight currencies always equals zero.This implies a shift in currencies within Forex.If one pair is rising, it could be due to exits from the others.In this scenario, I must protect my account until this currency shift occurs within the market cycle by identifying the pair that is rising and falling the most.I know that as long as I manage to protect my account until this shift happens, I can make a profit.These insights come from real account transactions. I take the risk. It's much less risky than trying to predict the behavior of a single pair.

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