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☑️NEW Holiday season rewards

Why is there another airdrops in Dogs this year 2025? Because in the first airdrops 2 days before the airdrops ended, I was able to participate in the airdrops but even then I still got something somehow.

If they have another one this season, I will definitely participate again because I tried it somehow. I'll check later before I go to sleep tonight.
I still hope to see dogs have another airdrop and I’m sure to be a participant except I didn’t get the update.
I think they don't have Dogs airdrops 2.0 at this time. Because if there really is one, I will definitely participate in it and I know that many will participate in it for sure in the end.

Even if Notcoin has airdrops again, I will also participate but now they both don't have round 2 airdrops.
I think they don't have Dogs airdrops 2.0 at this time. Because if there really is one, I will definitely participate in it and I know that many will participate in it for sure in the end.

Even if Notcoin has airdrops again, I will also participate but now they both don't have round 2 airdrops.
I have not been following up with their news recently not sure what they are up to

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