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.Bitcointalk ANN:
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lets you quickly compare the rates among instant, KYC-free, exchanges trading Bitcoin (including on Lightining), Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero, USDC and USDT.I was looking for a way to promote my OrangeFren affiliation, so I thought I'd create a signature here ; which would allows OrangeFren to be known a little more on the forum too at the same time. I want to point out that OrangeFren is informed and supports this advertising campaign.
Main information:
Your participation is free. There are no condition required to wear this signature, it is especially for those in between paid signature campaigns.
However, from time to time some small bonuses will be awarded to the best posters.
If you decide to wear this signature, don't forget to leave a message here with your BTC address, so you can eventually receive your bonus.
Feel free to remove my ref from the signature of course
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Best part is, if you sign up for our affiliate program and modify the signature to have your ref link, you yourself will be making money on every trade done through your link. Not some % of the profit, but the full amount we would have made.
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The campaign conditions have been updated: now everyone with the OrangeFren signature is eligible for the small bonuses! Whether you have my affiliate link, your own, or just the link with no affiliation, you'll be eligible.
Thank you once again to those who support this project, and therefore the respect for privacy and freedoms promoted by OrangeFren!
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Wearing the OrangeFren signature is not only a way of promoting a cool and useful service that's in the best interests of Bitcoiners, but in addition to have a chance of getting a small bonus (not very frequent I admit, as we're on a very tight budget at the moment), it can help get you accepted into one of the campaigns managed by icopress (who was super nice to add our campaign to that list in many of the campaigns he manages):
In these times of limited campaign slots and high competition between posters, it might motivate some to wear unpaid sigs between campaigns, like Bitlist, BTCcleanup, Peach, OrangeFren or others
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[3]: A big plus is if you have worn or wear one of the free signatures (other free sigs are ignored):
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.Avatars (optional):
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████████████████████instant KYC-free exchange comparison
████████████████████ Clearnet and onion available #kycfree + (prepaid Visa & Mastercard) ████████████████████
████████████████████ Clearnet and onion available #kycfree + (prepaid Visa & Mastercard) ████████████████████
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████████████████████instant KYC-free exchange comparison
████████████████████ Clearnet and onion available #kycfree + (prepaid Visa & Mastercard) ████████████████████
Sr Member:
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████████████████████instant KYC-free exchange comparison
████████████████████ Clearnet and onion available #kycfree services (prepaid Visa & Mastercard) ████████████████████
████████████████████ Clearnet and onion available #kycfree services (prepaid Visa & Mastercard) ████████████████████
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████████████████████instant KYC-free exchange comparison
████████████████████ Clearnet and onion available #kycfree + (prepaid Visa & Mastercard) ████████████████████
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