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IDEAS Problem with Ledger Nano

Hello everyone! I wanted to transfer ZEC from Ledger, and a problem popped up. When confirming the transaction, a message getspvarint called with unexpected parameters pops up. I tried to repeat it a few days later, the same thing. Neither the mobile version nor the computer version leave, the same error pops up. I used it before, there were no problems.
I wrote to support, they are stupid - sometimes we know about the problem, sometimes we don’t know about the problem. I sent them the logs, the support wrote that they received everything, they will figure it out. Then they write that they didn’t receive anything, if there are no problems, they will close the ticket ;-) The firmware is up to date, the cache was cleared, the application on the smartphone is also updated to the latest. On the computer, both on the old version and on the updated one, the same problem remains.
What I mean is - does anyone have the same problem or am I lucky?

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