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Understanding Forex Trading

Many people assume that forex trading (foreign exchange) is the same as when people exchange foreign currency at a money changer or at a bank. Of course this assumption is wrong, for that we can interpret forex trading as the activity of trading currency pairs (for example USD/JPY) where USD is the base currency while JPY is the quote currency. So in forex trading what is traded is the currency rate where traders take advantage of exchange rate fluctuations to make a profit, not buying and selling currencies like we do at money changers.

A basic understanding and mastery of forex will make it easier for traders to think about processing information that will be used as analysis. Forex trading offers high profits but also high risks. In general, forex traders fail/stop trading forex in less than two years.
@Obari, I got this information from several sites I read a few years ago, some that I remember are from Bloomberg and Linkedin, which informed that more than 70% of new forex traders fail or lose money and quit before two years.
Is there any proves to your claims please ?
Maybe a link to any of these claims so we can see the statistics to their claims.

Maybe 70% losing money might be correct but for a trader to have been trading consistently for two years and still not knowing what his doing in the industry is stupidly or maybe addiction and such a person should be checked
After doing a search on Google, I found several sites that we can use as references such as:

The first link stated that 70 to 80 percent of beginner traders loss and quit not someone who had been trading for over two years bra.

My point is that, for someone to have been trading consistently for two years, then such a person should have figured out what his doing in trading that’s why he must have stocked to it for upto to two years.

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