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❓ASK Why do people sell fixed match and not betting on it directly to also be rich?

Have you asked yourself why most people that always claim they have access to fixed matches do not always play directly but rather they prefer selling it? How plausible is that.

To me, the reason may be because there is truly nothing like fixed match or may be because they betted on it and also still want to get additional money by selling these matches.

What do you think? Let's hear your thoughts about it.
Great point! If the match was genuinely fixed, betting on it themselves would definitely be more profitable without the risk of exposure. I agree—it’s mostly a scam targeting people desperate for guaranteed wins. The idea of them “hedging their knowledge” by selling is an interesting perspective too. It really shows how manipulative these schemes can be.
Humans naturally can be easily manipulated as long as there is a reward promised and that’s one strategy gambling as a whole operates on.

I personally don’t believe in fixed matches, why sell what you can make great money from?
If they’re truly certain of the outcome of a game, then they could possible get a loan and bet on the gain even if it’s a 2 odd game, rather than trying...
Matches might be very difficult to fix especially for international matches but I think I’ve read cases of local matches been manipulated by highly profiled individuals to make some good money on their bets.
Generally I don’t believe there are anything like fixed matches and just as I also tell people in real life to run once they hear anything like fixed matches because I personally believe matches are game of luck and no matter how well a team might be informed, there are still possibilities of them losing and that’s why the game is called gambling as is always about probability and the moment a game becomes certain, then it loses it savor.
If the match was genuinely fixed they could make way more by betting themselves without risking exposure.

In my opinion most of these claims are scams. They prey on people desperate to win knowing the promise of certainty in betting is very tempting. Even if there’s a tiny chance they do bet themselves selling adds a safety net for them basically they're hedging their so-called knowledge.
If the match was genuinely fixed they could make way more by betting themselves without risking exposure.

In my opinion most of these claims are scams. They prey on people desperate to win knowing the promise of certainty in betting is very tempting. Even if there’s a tiny chance they do bet themselves selling adds a safety net for them basically they're hedging their so-called knowledge.
Great point! If the match was genuinely fixed, betting on it themselves would definitely be more profitable without the risk of exposure. I agree—it’s mostly a scam targeting people desperate for guaranteed wins. The idea of them “hedging their knowledge” by selling is an interesting perspective too. It really shows how manipulative these schemes can be.
Great point! If the match was genuinely fixed, betting on it themselves would definitely be more profitable without the risk of exposure. I agree—it’s mostly a scam targeting people desperate for guaranteed wins. The idea of them “hedging their knowledge” by selling is an interesting perspective too. It really shows how manipulative these schemes can be.
Humans naturally can be easily manipulated as long as there is a reward promised and that’s one strategy gambling as a whole operates on.

I personally don’t believe in fixed matches, why sell what you can make great money from?
If they’re truly certain of the outcome of a game, then they could possible get a loan and bet on the gain even if it’s a 2 odd game, rather than trying to convince people to buy their idea.

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