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IDEAS Without money, The knowledge is a waste

you got the topic very correct and I do mean it because after my last thread, I was actually wondering the essences of having all the knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency at large and still don't have the money to buy, I just feel it’s a waste of effort and such a person with all his knowledge will definitely miss out of the opportunities in bitcoin and I'm on the opinion that people still need to always have some form of money at all time to buy bitcoin especially at every instance a dip arises and I want to know the essence of wanting to crowd ones brain with so much about bitcoin when such a person doesn't have any money to buy rather than seeking ways to buy?

For those who want to enjoy the discussion on the bitcointalk.org forum, below is the link

Hey, I totally understand where you're coming from. It's one thing to soak up all the crypto knowledge, but if you don't have any funds on hand, it can feel like you're missing out on the real opportunities. I believe it's about striking a balance: learn all you can about Bitcoin and crypto, but also make sure you have some liquidity ready for when a dip comes along. Knowledge is valuable, but without the means to act on it, it doesn't translate into profit. It might be a good idea to focus on building a small reserve so you can actually take advantage of those market opportunities when they appear.
Hey, I totally understand where you're coming from. It's one thing to soak up all the crypto knowledge, but if you don't have any funds on hand, it can feel like you're missing out on the real opportunities. I believe it's about striking a balance: learn all you can about Bitcoin and crypto, but also make sure you have some liquidity ready for when a dip comes along. Knowledge is valuable, but without the means to act on it, it doesn't translate into profit. It might be a good idea to focus on building a small reserve so you can actually take advantage of those market opportunities when they appear.
I’m glad you got my point without sentiments.
I understand that having the necessary knowledge about cryptocurrency is great but having liquidity is key as it helps boost our morale especially when the market is in our favour and for anyone to claim to have the necessary knowledge of crypto, such a person should be familiar with the DCA method and seize the opportunity to stack up their portfolios.

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