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Before I was doing grinding on paws, but I didn't do any of the other tasks, although I only checked in daily, I was able to accumulate around 38000 Paws, I just don't know if this is the amount I will receive in the wallet connected to the network that they are asking for.

Do you think I will be eligible for the participants, though I haven't seen anything yet that I am not eligible for paws.
Wallet Submission is Live 🔮


Paste your Solana wallet address, connect your socials, secure your $SPAD airdrop.
Proud father of Twin Girls
3 Comments Send Tip ($1)
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Reactions: mayahn
That’s wonderful. Proud dad vibes all the way!
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Reactions: Obari
Thanks @mayahn for the tip and it’s really kind of you.
I really want to see the forum at its peak and I promise to give in my best at all times but I also have some issues and I would want to discuss it privately with you if you don’t mind
You’re welcome! My DMs is open; feel free to write me.
Bitcoin at 68,337.46
Don't trust weekend pumps or dumps. However the election shenanigans are clearly starting early. Going to be an interesting few days
Stupid BTC drama, go up or go to hell, funny all news all big whale buy, yes buy when red down and dip, whale no buy higher, whale only buy cheap... so who gonna buy for break ath 100k 200k who will buy?? Plankton lol
All that bullish sounding news makes me scared of a massive dump. Either that or they are laying the foundation for a massive move to the upside. It always feels like we are at a pivotal point and BTC is on the verge of crashing or breaking out but it's pretty much been going sideways for a long time now. Maybe it just goes sideways now?

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