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Can you make money as a proofreader?

Freelancers and aspiring proofreaders can earn money through freelancing platforms and Facebook groups. Your services are especially valuable to global entrepreneurs, particularly in the latter. Proofreading involves reviewing content to identify and correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Would you be interested in proofreading, given the opportunity?
Just a small question what is difference on invest on Grammarly premium or recruit someone to be a proofreader? Aren't they the same?
Just a small question what is difference on invest on Grammarly premium or recruit someone to be a proofreader? Aren't they the same?
For Grammarly premium, you are required to pay $12 a month though they can also offer free editing but it is limited. Errors are still there unlike if a premium user. You can auto use the Grammarly in proofreading.
Just a small question what is difference on invest on Grammarly premium or recruit someone to be a proofreader? Aren't they the same?
I think human proof readers would understand context of a piece of writing more than those robots in Grammarly. There are platforms that prefer humans to give objective editing to written work than Grammarly robots.

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