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⍰ ASK How to make 30$ per day?

hello, i have an income issue, i need money to solve some family problems. Can you recommend for me some ways to earn money faster?
I recommend trading buts always a high risk business but very lucrative if you actually know what you’re doing.

If your family have a landed property, then it wouldn’t be a bad idea selling it off to solve the issue since it’s a family problem.

Good luck
I recommend trading buts always a high risk business but very lucrative if you actually know what you’re doing.

If your family have a landed property, then it wouldn’t be a bad idea selling it off to solve the issue since it’s a family problem.

Good luck
Hi, thank you

I posted this for a friend fortunately he has gotten over it
I hope he was able to solve the problems that actually bothered him?
I understand how frustrating it could be when we have problems without any possible way of solving them but I hope his doing good now and also please send my regards to him and also let him know that, my prayers are with him.
Yes he's doing quite alright now, and i will extend your greetings! sure
hello, i have an income issue, i need money to solve some family problems. Can you recommend for me some ways to earn money faster?
If you have an idea about trading and you have a deep understanding of it, then surely before the end of the day you can immediately get a profit from trading. And of course you must also know how to analyze the whole crypto assets that you will make a trading pair.

However, if you have zero knowledge about trading, it will be a bit difficult for you to get instant money in this era in an easy way because almost everything requires hard work.
If you have an idea about trading and you have a deep understanding of it, then surely before the end of the day you can immediately get a profit from trading. And of course you must also know how to analyze the whole crypto assets that you will make a trading pair.

However, if you have zero knowledge about trading, it will be a bit difficult for you to get instant money in this era in an easy way because almost everything requires hard work.
You’re right @Bettercryto as trading is one way to save him from this financial stress and just as you clearly said, he ought to have a practical knowledge of the market because the cryptocurrency market is a very volatile one and that’s why it’s always advised to only invest what we can afford to lose
These days it's really hard to find something that can generate quick money, everything takes time, so you need a little patience. The fastest way i can think of is trading the forex market but the level of risk involved is on another level.
Every good thing follows a process and even trading and forex also has a procedure and if properly implemented, there’ll always be success.
There’s absolutely no short cut to life and that’s why most people get scammed online because they all want to follow the short path of life
Although not simple, a daily income of $30 is attainable. To earn that much, consider trying freelancing. Take free online courses to upgrade your skills. Dropshipping and selling digital products are also options.
Yes freelancing will help. you just need to do some brush up with your skills. Writing can give you that daily.
Yes freelancing will help. you just need to do some brush up with your skills. Writing can give you that daily.
All freelancing platforms works with system of connects or credits like Upwork to find job faster or bid for jobs. With 10 free connect it is long way to get involved into job. Earn in free mode from freelancing has been gone.
Although not simple, a daily income of $30 is attainable. To earn that much, consider trying freelancing. Take free online courses to upgrade your skills. Dropshipping and selling digital products are also options.
Yes freelancing will help. you just need to do some brush up with your skills. Writing can give you that daily.
All freelancing platforms works with system of connects or credits like Upwork to find job faster or bid for jobs. With 10 free connect it is long way to get involved into job. Earn in free mode from freelancing has been gone.
Freelancing is indeed a great way to earn money, but it requires professional skills and dedication.
I do agree with you that freelancing is a one great way to earn online and just at Mayahn already said, it will require some really professional skills and truly more dedication, which op might not even be patient with.

I will also suggest that, if you want to build some sort of side income from online, you can start selling things online possibly on your WhatsApp status if you have some great contacts or numbers on your WhatsApp
Having been working online for a while now, I can say that there is no possible way to earn up to 30 dollars in a day when it is not trading. And to trade, you also need capital too like up to 7 dollars. One can't find solution for such online.
I guess you’re still new to the online space but regardless, there are several jobs you can do to earn over $30 a day outside trading, maybe you might not be paid per day but per week and for instance, someone earns $300 per week if divided by 7 days, I’m sure it’s more than $30 a day.
As for trading, it might be very difficult for you to grow a $7 trading account to earning $30 daily as you might end up blowing several accounts.
My experience with trading has shown that, the higher your capital, the higher your profit and the lesser your risk but always remember that, trading is very risky and you shouldn’t invest more than you can afford to loss.

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