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Recent content by Fidelia

  1. Fidelia

    I am fashionista Fidelia. And I have just arrived here.

    My name is Fidelia. I am a fashion designer by passion, practice and profession. I hope I would find value and add value to this forum.
  2. Fidelia

    ⍰ ASK How do feel for an own-goal letting to your bet loss?

    I am happy that players are more protected now. It would be very painful if a player scores an own goal that makes you lose your bet. But it has never been intentional to score own goals. So I would take it as an unfortunate mistake.
  3. Fidelia

    IDEAS Finding Hidden Gems: Betting on Unpopular Sports

    The thing with betting on unpopular sports is that you won't understand the dynamics of the sports to be able to place your bets. It would take you time to study the sports and understand how it operates to be able to place bets rationally.
  4. Fidelia

    ⍰ ASK Can betting sites withhold my winning ?

    If the betting site discovers that money staked was part of a money laundering activity, they would surely withhold such winnings. That's because they don't want to enter problems with the government. Paying such winnings can make them lose their license.
  5. Fidelia

    ⍰ ASK Do people actually gamble solely for fun?

    I know of very few people that gamble just for fun. The rest of the people are gambling because they want to become rich from gambling. They have high hopes that their financial breakthrough in life lies in gambling.
  6. Fidelia

    ⍰ ASK Why do people sell fixed match and not betting on it directly to also be rich?

    People sell fixed matches because they know that there is no concept as fixed matches anywhere. Even if there was, there is no sports that would make it public news that their matches are fixed. It is just those people using the gullible to make money by selling fixed matches to them.
  7. Fidelia

    ☑️NEW Coins being manipulated by crypto whales

    The crypto market is controlled by big investors that always manipulate the market for their advantage. We are all recipients to this manipulation. It is either it favours you as just an ordinary crypto participant or not.
  8. Fidelia

    ☑️NEW What's your online business?

    I have ran an exclusive online fashion design business for a long time. I have set up my fashion line store on Facebook marketplace and jiji marketplace. I get orders from those platforms. And it is even expanding from there to the offline space.
  9. Fidelia

    Can you make money without any investment?

    Believe you me, making money from contents would require you to have an internet connection. That's an expense no matter how you view it. You would also be need money to make digital products that you want to sell. Is it music, videos or books? You would have to spend money to create them.
  10. Fidelia

    How to make money as a Virtual Assistant?

    For some reasons, this Virtual Assistant gigs are very difficult to come by for me. I would love to work as a virtual assistant as it seems to offer a really good side gig without pressure. I haven't found an Ad for a virtual assistant in all the freelance platforms that I am on.
  11. Fidelia

    Can you make money as a proofreader?

    I think human proof readers would understand context of a piece of writing more than those robots in Grammarly. There are platforms that prefer humans to give objective editing to written work than Grammarly robots.