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⍰ ASK How do feel for an own-goal letting to your bet loss?

I remember the 1994 World Cup in that match between Colombia and USA where USA had to win with 2:1 scores courtesy of an own goal from the Colombian Andres Escobar which was believed to have made USA won that game leading to the disqualification of the Colombia to the next round. It was gathered that Escobar was shot dead while inside his car days after that game. An action organized by a punter who lost his huge bet because of that 2:1 loss of Colombia to USA team. The idea was that it was the own goal from Escobar that help USA to win and qualify in that game. Although the culprits were arrest and penalized.

In recent times we have witnessed countless own goals from player's in football competitors from the EPL, La Liga, Bundles Liga, Serie A etc which had to change the outcome of a match that would have ended in favour of their team.
Now bringing this to gamblers of today; how do you feel when the team you bet in favour of lost the game due to an own goal from one of the teammate's?

1. Do you get vexed up at the player?
2. Do you take it as a common loss by the team just like other days? or
3. Do you curse the player for that?

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