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⍰ ASK How do I market my crypto project?

It is one thing to have an excellent or promising crypto currency project and another thing to know to how to market for a quick sale and a better deal.
Personally I am aware that you can use influencer partnership deal to market your crypto currency project for good deals. You can also use community building platforms like discord or telegram to achieve your target. It is possible there other ways I am not aware of, if you have betters to sell my crypto currency project, please do share!!!
If you have finished creating a new crypto and the next stage is to market it, you also need a comprehensive strategy. The number of new cryptos means you need a powerful and prominent strategy so that your new crypto can compete in the crypto market. one of which is building a strong emotional connection with storytelling that will improve the crypto name or image to increase long-term trust and loyalty. One important factor in building trust is transparency such as providing security verification links (whitepaper, roadmap, audit) and keeping promises not delaying what has been announced. Create quality content, both videos and articles, create airdrops and faucet sites to introduce to other users. The community you build must be active, interactive and have interesting activities for users, do tokenomics education. besides that you can also establish partnerships with influencers. Immediately register and be listed on a well-known crypto exchange.

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