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ANNOUNCEMENT Referral Challenge (Win Big)

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How to Participate in the PawProfitForum Referral Contest​

  1. Share your referral link with your friends. You can find your referral link on the .
  2. Encourage your referred friends to engage by posting at least 5 valid posts.
  3. Track your referral progress in the of your profile.
  4. The users with the highest number of valid referrals by 12/31/2024 will win amazing prizes!


  • 1st Prize: $100 in Cash or Equivalent in BMF Points
  • 2nd Prize: $50 in Cash or Equivalent in BMF Points
  • 3rd Prize: $25 in Cash or Equivalent in BMF Points

Referral Minimum Posts​

Your referrals must make at least 5 posts to be considered valid.

Good luck, and happy referring!

Visit the .
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Hello @mayahn
I was thinking, if it’s possible to redo this challenge since no one participated in previous time, as it will be a more way to get people to actively involved in the discussions of the forum.

This will be an enticing way to get people make the forum a lively place and as well let’s make the challenge a more interesting one that our referral should be able to make 10 constructive post and atleast 3 relevant threads and the 3 threads should also count towards the 10 post.

Will be glad to get your thought on this.

I’m thinking on hosting this challenge for this month with a $20 price
Please give me a clue to doing this please
Still waiting for a response from ADMIN and it seems it’s already late and let’s get our minds prepared for next month so we could have enough time for this.

Still waiting for a response from ADMIN and it seems it’s already late and let’s get our minds prepared for next month so we could have enough time for this.

Hello Obari, I’ve been busy coding to add custom features to the forum. At the moment, we don’t have plans to introduce referral content this month or next.

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