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Sites that pay to upload

I would like to share with you some sites that pay people to upload . The following are: YouTube, TikTok, Medium, Patreon, Upwork, Shutterstock, AudioJungle, GitHub, Issuu, and Skilllshare. You may like to try any of these mentioned sites. Remember to always read the terms and conditions of each platform to understand their payment structures and requirements. Good luck everyone.
I would like to share with you some sites that pay people to upload . The following are: YouTube, TikTok, Medium, Patreon, Upwork, Shutterstock, AudioJungle, GitHub, Issuu, and Skilllshare. You may like to try any of these mentioned sites. Remember to always read the terms and conditions of each platform to understand their payment structures and requirements. Good luck everyone.
Thanks for sharing this great content with the community and I’ve tried TikTok and it’s a great platform but the earning system isn’t an easy one but I’ve learnt that, it’s very profitable if you finally get monetized.
Shutterstock is one site that I have practically earned from uploading. The site pays people royalties for the pictures they upload. That payment happens when any photos you uploaded is downloaded by another person.
This sounds interesting and is there any link to this because I tried searching it out but wasn’t getting the actual thing I wanted to see, so it will be really great if you can share with us a link to the site.


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