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✅LEGIT $TAKER airdrop RAISED: $3m in funding to integrate financial primitives into the NFT market

RAISED: $3m in funding to integrate financial primitives into the NFT market

•⁠ ⁠Potential: $TAKER airdrop
•⁠ ⁠Time: 2 minutes for noob
•⁠ ⁠Get started:

Step guide

•⁠ ⁠Connect wallet ( MetaMask )
•⁠ ⁠Connect your X
•⁠ ⁠Activate miner every 24 hours
•⁠ ⁠Scroll down complete other task to earn initial onboarding points
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Don’t sleep on this… make sure to activate every 24 hours!

I’ll be dropping an update soon ✅💯🔥

Please don’t ignore any of the updates I’m sharing 🙏. I’m saying this because some people have been messaging me, saying I don’t drop updates like before.

Well, I’ve been dropping consistently now ✅, so make sure you engage with them. The best part? These updates don’t require a laptop—you can easily use your phone ✅💯. Quick and straightforward!
Sorry admin, but the instructions you gave are a bit undetailed, I think you missed something in your airdrop sharing. You didn't include in the instructions that participants need to first add TAKER CHAIN to the network using a Metamask wallet.

About Taker Mainnet
Network: Taker Chain
Chain ID: 1125
Currency Symbol: TAKER

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