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New link directory items

The Wasted Lands gets on the hype train of Worldcup Qatar 2022! Predict the Champion & Share 100,000 $WAL tokens. About The Wasted
ClubRare USDT Contest is here! Test your luck and grab up to 300 $USDT. You also have a chance to win $4000
Hypersonic Finance Airdrop prize pool is worth 200,000 USD in $HYPERSONIC tokens. About Hypersonic Finance Hypersonic Finance is a cross-chain utility
The IPOR Community Activation Program is Live! Help the IPOR Protocol grow and get recognition within the IPOR community. About IPOR
TLChain Airdrop prize pool is worth $10,000 of $TLC coins, $USDT and NFTs for 21 lucky winners. About TLChain TLChain is a highly scalable blockchain
X-Metaverse Pro Airdrop Giveaway prize pool is 300,000 USD worth of $XMETA Tokens for 20,000 random lucky winners. About X-Metaverse Pro X-Metaverse Pro is an
@CyberCityInc together with @Gamestarter are giving away CyberCity Alpha Keys, only a limited amount will be available so don’t miss out! Additionally, 10 lucky
RAX World is airdropping a total of 500 $UMAD tokens to the top 3 participants and free digital assets to
Diamond Protocol is thrilled to celebrate this holiday season by gifting you a Mystery Diamond NFT – and why should
KLAYswap is holding a $MBX deposit event! Let’s get started DeFi on KLAYswap and receive Airdrop gifts! About KLAYswap KLAYswap
SybilDAO is hosting an Airdrop on the Goerli Testnet where each user gets 100 $SYB tokens. Note that funds on Testnet do not
WePad Telegram Airdrop campaign is worth a guaranteed $1,50 reward in $WWY tokens for completing easy tasks.   About WePad & WeWay WePad
With the FIFA World Cup fast approaching & the World stopping to be a part of this momentous football occasion, MOBOX is
NerveNetwork is giving away 5,000,000 $UNA & 20,000 $NVT tokens to 500 lucky participants hodling their Binance Account Bound ($BAB) token on
WinGoal Airdrop prize pool is worth 80,000 $MLS tokens (~$ 48,000) for 13,000 random winners & TOP 100 referrers +
Read2N x Sui Global Airdrop is Live! Anyone who completes the tasks before Dec 1st will receive a $WCM Airdrop ?
AutoShark Finance Airdrop is worth 100 $ATLAS For the First 20,000 participants who perform All the Tasks.  Afterwards, they will select
The previous FrontFanz Airdrop & Bounty worth 193,000 $FANZ tokens (~$ 25,000) has been successfully completed and distributed to the winners!
VRJAM x TrustPad join Airdrop prize pool is worth $10,000 in VRJAM tokens at IGO price for 300 random lucky winners & Top
SakuraVerse Giveaway prize pool is worth 300,000 $PPT tokens for 3,000 random lucky winners. About SakuraVerse SakuraVerse is a web3 game